Design the best year of your life - Twelve infallible pathways to be the architect of your destiny
di Marco Giannecchini
ISBN: 978-88-5516-588-4
Formato: Rilegato
Genere: Manuali
Collana: Officina delle idee
Anno: 2022 - Mese: gennaio
Pagine: 240

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Dr. Marco Giannecchini's FLOW Consciousness Academy ( offers in this book twelve ways to (re)discover your hidden talents, your true personality, your real vocation and the direction to give to your life for success, re-inventing your existence with greater financial and time resources, and with positive relations.
To identify what makes you feel better and to live by achieving it daily for the rest of your life.
In this book you will find:
twelve chapters for a gradual learning and daily application of the displayed topics: every new chapter increases skills and knowledge discussed in the previous one;
additional resources (in form of questions, weblinks, online resources, etc.) that provide an integrative and multisensory learning.

Marco Giannecchini was born in Viareggio in 1960. He earned his Medical degree (with summa cuma laude) from the University of Pisa, then he moved to Berlin, where he works as a managing director for international pharmaceutical and biotec companies on digital health projects.

Leggi la biografia completa
  • Sul "Giornale del Mediterraneo" si parla del libro "Design the best year of your life" del nostro a...
  • Sul blog "Il sole di leo" si parla del libro "Design the best year of your life" del nostro autore M...
  • Su "Radio Rov" si parla del libro "Design the best year of your life" del nostro autore Marco Giann...
  • Sul blog "Agen Parl - L''informazione indipendente" si parla del libro "Design the best year of your...
  • 28/07/2022 17:30:00 - Diretta Instagram con Marco Giannecchini
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