The Philosopher and the last straw
di Andrea Cavalieri
ISBN: 978-88-6096-913-2
Formato: eBook
Genere: Narrativa
Anno: 2013 - Mese: marzo
Pagine: 234

6,90 €
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Pilar, "the town of fifty thousand souls located in the north of the country, at the foot of the mountains: the cold of winter, unbearable heat of summer". Pilar, the city where Juan was born and which runs to get to the big city and go on to university, an experience that necessarily takes him away from home, his land, to grow. But studies come to an end soon and Juan returns to the small town where he started, with hope for the future, but unaware of what destiny has quietly arranged for him. A return, then: this is where it all starts, a tangle of vines and events that will bring to light an uncomfortable and painful past. Pilar, a town of fifty thousand souls located in the north of the country, at the foot of the mountains: the cold of winter, unbearable heat of summer. The youngest of four children, Juan Rodriguez was the only one to have attended college, breaking the family tradition that saw all the male members devote themselves to the profession of farmer, once the school.

Andrea Cavalieri nasce nel 1969 a Bologna, ove tuttora vive. Attento osservatore delle sfumature dell’animo umano, “La goccia e il filosofo” è la sua prima pubblicazione.

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