Beyond Every Boundary
di Roberto Sciortino
ISBN: 978-88-9375-965-6
Formato: eBook
Genere: Narrativa
Collana: Percorsi
Anno: 2019 - Mese: maggio
Pagine: 110

4,90 €
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John and Catrine, Matthew and Christine, Jack and Caroline: three indissoluble love stories that travel beyond the borders of time and space, overcoming every barrier. We are in the United States during the 1980s, at the height of the “American dream”. Matthew lives in New York with his parents, at least until, during summer vacation, they decide to send him off to his uncle Jack in South Dakota.
It will certainly be a turning point for all of them.
Jack will once again find the will to live, which he had lost after the death of his wife Elisabeth.
Young Matthew, between spectacular landscapes and long horse rides, will find the love of his life.
Meanwhile, a deadly virus threatens humanity, and it’s imperative to find an antidote as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading.
Who better than Jack, a passionate veterinarian and researcher, could save the human race from an incoming catastrophe?
Throw in a fascinating journalist from Florida, there to interview the new hero, who captures his heart at first glance, and you have all of the ingredients for a story that is rich with passion and good feelings, that will involve the reader from the first to the final page, without ever boring him.

Roberto Sciortino, nato in Germania da genitori italiani, si trasferisce in Sicilia, a Galati Mamertino. Dopo il diploma, per motivi di lavoro, va a vivere nel nord Italia, dove tuttora risiede con la moglie Maritza e la loro splendida bambina Grace.

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